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Self-Assessment: Rideshare or Taxi in Chicago?

Written by Chitty Services | May 18, 2024 10:21:52 AM

Use this self-assessment to determine whether rideshare or taxi services are the right choice for your transportation needs in Chicago. Answer the questions below to find out which option suits you best


1. Convenience and Availability

A. How do you prefer to book your rides?

  • I prefer using a mobile app to book my ride. (Rideshare)
  • I prefer hailing a ride at a designated stand or on the street. (Taxi)

B. How important is immediate availability to you?

  • Very important, I don’t want to wait for my ride. (Taxi)
  • Moderately important, I’m okay with waiting a few minutes. (Rideshare)

2. Cost and Pricing

A. Are you concerned about potential surge pricing?

  • Yes, I prefer consistent and predictable pricing. (Taxi)
  • No, I’m okay with dynamic pricing if it’s generally cheaper. (Rideshare)

B. Are you looking for promotional discounts or codes?

  • Yes, I want to save money with promotions. (Rideshare)
  • No, I prefer a fixed fare without needing promotions. (Taxi)

3. Driver and Safety

A. Do you prefer a licensed and professionally trained driver?

  • Yes, I prefer the assurance of a licensed driver. (Taxi)
  • No, I’m okay with drivers who are vetted through a rideshare company. (Rideshare)

B. Do you value real-time tracking for safety?

  • Yes, I like being able to track my ride and share details with others. (Rideshare)
  • No, I don’t need real-time tracking. (Taxi)

4. Vehicle Options

A. Do you need specific vehicle types (e.g., larger vehicle for a group)?

  • Yes, I need options for different vehicle sizes. (Rideshare)
  • No, a standard vehicle is fine for me. (Taxi)

5. Travel Preferences

A. How do you feel about using modern technology for travel?

  • I prefer using modern technology and apps. (Rideshare)
  • I prefer traditional methods like hailing a taxi. (Taxi)

B. Are you traveling during peak hours or high-demand periods?

  • Yes, I’m traveling during busy times. (Taxi)
  • No, I’m traveling during non-peak hours. (Rideshare)

6. Location and Context

A. Are you starting your journey from an airport?

  • Yes, I’m starting from an airport and prefer immediate availability. (Taxi)
  • No, I’m starting from a different location. (Rideshare)

B. Do you prefer a familiar and traditional mode of transportation?

  • Yes, I prefer the familiarity of taxis. (Taxi)
  • No, I’m open to new experiences. (Rideshare)



  • If you selected mostly rideshare options, you value convenience, flexibility, and modern technology. Rideshare services like Uber or Lyft may be the best choice for you.


  • If you selected mostly taxi options, you prefer immediate availability, consistent pricing, and the assurance of a licensed driver. Traditional taxis are likely the better option for your needs.